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Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyser & PT/INR Test Strips

About Xprecia Prime™

Universal Biosensors introduces Xprecia Prime™Coagulation Analyser, the new and improved coagulation monitoring device. Xprecia Prime™is small, portable, accurate, and easy to use. This device is designed for fast and reliable prothrombintime (PT) results displayed in seconds and International Normalized Ratio (INR) at the point of care (POC), primary care, urgent care, and hospitals.

Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyzer meets the modern high-quality POC testing requirements, providing healthcare professionals a method that is completed in under a minute.

About PT/INR testing

The PT test is used to monitor the dosage of vitamin K-based oral anticoagulant therapy(OAT) in patients, to ensure its safety and efficacy. OAT prevents the occurrence of unwanted blood clotting in patients susceptible to blood clots, which can cause serious conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis,pulmonary embolism, or stroke.

Globally, approximately 10 million patients are taking oral anticoagulants, and over 200million PT/INR tests are conducted annually to monitor the safe and effective dosage of anticoagulants. Dangerous bleeding events can occur if the incorrect dosage of anticoagulants is administered. PTt esting allows physicians to adjust patients’ dosage as required to compensate for any changes in their diet and lifestyle over time.

The power of a lab in the palm of your hand

Results from Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyser are comparable to benchmark laboratory coagulation devices due to our patented electrochemical cell technology. The user-friendly software that is featured on a large bright-colored touchscreen, and the ergonomic design, makes the Xprecia Prime™ an essential assistant for daily patient care, anytime, anywhere.


  • Correlation of results with laboratory analysis
  • Reliable results, less repetition
  • Automatic strip quality check

Safe to use

  • Eject button for safe handling
  • PPID – Positive Patient Identification
  • Operator ID entry with lockout features


  • Available anytime, anywhere
  • Ergonomic design – fits in the palm of your hand
  • WiFi and wired connection
  • Rechargeable battery cell

Easy, Intuitive

  • Results in less than one minute
  • User friendly software and touchscreen
  • Automatic calibration – no reagents needed

Xprecia Prime Analyser – User Friendly Design

1 Test strip eject button – for safety handling | 2 Touchscreen display – for easy operation | 3 Power button – to switch ON/OFF the analyser | 4 Barcode scanner – for internal QC check | 5 Test strip port – for insertion of Xprecia Prime™ PT test strip | 6 USB port – for charging or connecting to PC

Results in less than 1 minute, with 5 simple steps

Xprecia Prime™ analyses blood taken from a patient’s finger by a lancet or a small sample of venous blood. A specialised strip is first inserted into the strip port of the analyser. A sample of blood is then applied to the target area of the strip and is drawn into the strip chamber by capillary action. The Xprecia Prime™ detects when the blood has clotted, and the result is displayed in either seconds or International Normalized Ratio (INR) on the screen of the analyser.

Scan patient ID
Enter the Patient ID by barcode or using the touchscreen keyboard
Scan strip
Provides information on calibration values, lots,and expiration dates
Insert strip
Monitors the integrity and temperature of the strip, ensuring reliable results
Apply sample
from a ‘finger prick of blood’
Results detected in under 30 seconds

Xprecia Prime™ PT/INR Test Strips

Xprecia Prime™ PT/INR Test Strips are designed for use with the Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyzer. Each test strip contains specially formulated dry reagents which allow PT/INR to be measured by the Xprecia Prime™.These reagents trigger the electrochemical detection which enables quick and precise results that correlates with bench-top analyzers in the laboratory.

XpreciaLiquid Quality Control

PT/INR Liquid Quality Control Kit for the use with any Xprecia™ Coagulation Analyser. The Xprecia™ Systems PT Controls kit contains assayed controls for the assessment of precision and accuracy in the normal (Liquid Quality Control PT1) and therapeutic (Liquid Quality Control PT2) range for the prothrombin time (PT). They must be used with the corresponding Xprecia™ PT/INR Strips for the analyser.



Xprecia Prime™ Coagulation Analyser

Product Code 90301

Pack Qty Each

Xprecia Prime™ PT/INR Test Strips

Product Code 30101

Pack Qty 100

Xprecia™ Liquid Quality Controls (LQC)

Product Code 10873436

Pack Qty Each

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