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Airway Clearance – RC Cornet

RC-Cornet® PLUS

The respiratory therapy device RC-Cornet® PLUS makes it easier for patients with asthma, COPD and cystic fibrosis to breathe.

Breathe easier with the respiratory therapy device RC-Cornet® PLUS

Elevated secretions of bronchial mucous are common in chronic diseases of the lower airways. Shortness of breath, chronic cough and frequent respiratory tract infections are among the consequences.

The respiratory therapy device RC-Cornet® PLUS can combat these symptoms. As the patient exhales a oscillating positive exhalation pressure (OPEP) is produced, widening the airways and reducing respiratory distress. It also effectively mobilises bronchial mucous and thereby reduces the urge to cough. The entire volume of exhaled air is used to cleanse the airways.

The respiratory therapy with RC-Cornet® PLUS noticeably improves the symptoms of patients with chronic diseases of the lower airways after a short, regular period of use.

  • bronchial asthma
  • COPD and pulmonary emphysema
  • cystic fibrosis
  • bronchiectasis
  • Smoker’s cough

Effective and easy to use

RC-Cornet® PLUS is a further development of RC Cornet®. It has many innovative elements that make daily use easier.

Modern design and innovative features of RC-Cornet® PLUS:

  • Sounds are produced during therapy, giving the patient feedback whether the device is being used properly.
  • The setting options for two different forms of treatment and 4 different levels of resistance personalise therapy for the patient – regardless of the exhaled air volume.
  • The new valve lets the patient inhale and exhale through the device without interruption.
  • Using the integrated nebuliser connection, respiratory and inhalation therapy can be administered at the same time (combi-therapy), improving drug deposition and shortening the duration of therapy.
  • Use, cleaning and hygiene routines meet clinical requirements.

Widen airways and relieve respiratory distress

Setting 1 on RC-Cornet® PLUS produces a stabilising oscillating positive exhalation pressure (stabilising OPEP) when the patient exhales steadily. Obstructions are opened and thus parts of the aveoli are ventilated. This reduces respiratory distress!

Mobilise secretions in congested bronchi

Setting 1 on RC-Cornet® PLUS produces a mobilising oscillating positive exhalation pressure (mobilising OPEP) by gradually increasing the pressure as the patient exhales and allowing it to fall abruptly. This mobilises and liquefies obstructing and thick secretions on the walls of the bronchial tubes. The mucous is transported upward towards the mouth and is easier to cough up.

Prevent exacerbations and reduce susceptibility to infections

By widening the airways and mobilising obstructing bronchial mucous, coughs are made “productive” (mobilise secretions) and enabling it to fulfil its cleansing function. This relieves the urge to cough, the risk of respiratory tract infections and frequently hospitalisations.

 The respiratory therapy device RC-Cornet® PLUS

  • widens airways
  • relieves respiratory distress
  • mobilises obstructing and thick bronchial mucous
  • reduces coughing and makes it easier to cough up phlegm

Indicated for

  • Bronchial asthma
  • COPD and pulmonary emphysema
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Smoker’s cough

Package includes

  • Mouthpiece
  • Adaptor with integrated nebuliser connector
  • Valve
  • Tube
  • Body
  • Body lid
  • Cleaning aid
  • Instructions for use

Product use


respiratory therapy devices frees the nose and nasal sinuses without the use of drugs.

Respiratory therapy with RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL

For head colds to allergy symptoms to chronic sinusitis – diseases of the upper airways are common and impair the quality of life of those affected.

RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL is a respiratory therapy device for mobilising and removing secretions in the nasopharyngeal space. When RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL is used, a positive pressure and vibrations are produced when the patient exhales through the nose that are then transmitted to the entire nasopharyngeal space.

The RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL respiratory therapy device

  • frees the nose and nasal sinuses of mucus in cases of chronic sinusitis
  • relieves coughing in cases of post-nasal drip syndrome
  • lowers bronchial hyperreagibility for patients with bronchial asthma
  • improves ventilation of the middle ear in the event of tubal ventilation disorders
  • regenerates nasal mucosa in the event of nasal spray addiction (Privinism)
  • prevents infections of the lower airways

Effective and easy to use

RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL is a further development of RC Cornet® N. It has many innovative elements that make daily use easier.

Modern design and innovative features of RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL:

  • Settings for two different forms of treatment personalise the therapy options – regardless of the volume of exhaled air.
  • The integrated nebuliser connection as well as the new valve connect all standard nebulisers to the device and make simultaneous spray inhalation and respiratory therapy possible. The combi-therapy reduces treatment duration and improves drug deposition.
  • Use, cleaning and hygiene routines meet the highest clinical requirements.

Mobilize mucous in the nasal sinuses

Chronic symptoms in the upper airways are frequently triggered by allergies or anatomic narrowing.

RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL can help gently free the upper airways from mucous, stimulate the flow of lymph and noticeably widen and ventilate the openings to the nasal sinuses – entirely without the use of drugs.

Stimulate the natural flow of phlegm and mucous

Constant use of decongestant nasal sprays damages the nose’s cleaning system. Mucous membranes do not receive enough nutrients; they dry out and can fail to fulfil their role as filters for irritants.

RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL helps with the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Regular use of the respiratory therapy device naturally helps reduce swelling, promotes the flow of mucous and allows the nasal mucosa to regenerate.

Prevent infections of the upper airways

The flow of mucous from the upper to the lower airways (postnasal drip syndrome) can lead to bronchial infection and have a negative impact on diseases such as COPD, asthma or cystic fibrosis.

This is way care of the upper airways is important for lung patients who have excess secretions in the nose and its sinuses. RC-Cornet® PLUS NASAL effectively frees the upper airways from irritating mucous and prevents infection from spreading down to the lungs.


Indicated for

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Postnasal drip syndrome
  • Tubal ventilation disorders
  • Bronchial hyperreagilibility
  • Nasal spray addition (Privinism)
  • Chronic diseases of the lower airways

Package includes

  • Nasal tube with nose olive
  • Adaptor with integrated nebuliser
  • Valve
  • Tube
  • Body
  • Body lid
  • Cleaning aid
  • Elbow, for combi-therapy with nebulisers
  • Instructions for use

RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo

Respiratory therapy with RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo makes it easier for tracheostomised patients with cannulas (tubes) to cough up thick mucus secretions.

Respiratory therapy with RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo

Because of the irritation caused by tracheal tubes, tracheostomised patients may produce increased amounts of mucus in the bronchi.

RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo is a respiratory therapy device used to alleviate this symptom. It produces an oscillating positive exhalation pressure as the patient exhales that expands the airways and mobilises thick bronchial mucus. Regular use makes it easier for tracheostomised patients to cough up phlegm and reduces the urge to cough and its frequency.

RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo is a variant of RC-Cornet® PLUS. The respiratory therapy device can be connected tightly to the cannula (tube) of the tracheostoma by mean a special tracheo connector.

Notes: Patients who have an open tracheostoma can use RC-Cornet® PLUS with the aid of RC-Mask Tracheostoma.

The respiratory therapy device RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo

  • mobilises thick bronchial mucus
  • makes it easier to cough up phlegm

Included in the delivery package

  • Tracheo connector
  • Adaptor with integrated nebuliser connector
  • Valve
  • Tube
  • Body
  • Body lid
  • Cleaning aid
  • Curved tube for combi-therapy with nebulisers
  • Instructions for Use

RC-Cornet® PLUS Nasal

Product Code 2680UK

Pack Qty Each

RC-Cornet® PLUS Tracheo

Product Code 2690UK

Pack Qty Each

RC-Cornet® PLUS additional tubes

Product Code 2660

Pack Qty 2 Sets

RC-Clean Microwave Cleaning Bag

Product Code 5000

Size 5

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